Thursday, August 28, 2008

My tummy hurts!

I puked on the rug in my room - but my mom didn't get too mad this time, since it wasn't on the carpet. I was hoping she would stay home with me today and take care of me - but no, she had to go to work! I cried and cried and tried to be pretty pathetic - it worked a little. She did sit and hold me for an hour and rub my belly.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Tonight for dinner my mom gave me something different -- but not from the new bag she bought yesterday. It was in a little plastic tub and she peeled back the lid and put it on my tray. It's wet! The package had a little picture of a fishy with some carrots and peas - I don't like that! I know my mom doesn't like fishies either - so I am not sure why she is trying to make me eat them for dinner. She told me I had to try it - but it stinks! I am not going to eat it. Maybe if I cry and cry when she tries to go to bed I will get some of the good stuff I like out of the bag.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rain... Again!

Well, I decided to brave the outdoors this afternoon for a stroll around the yard -- I had a little run in with a mockingbird yesterday -- he was picking on me and I didn't like it very much. Anyway, I decided to be brave and go out to see what going on. My mom was in the house cooking dinner and not paying attention (as usual) and it started to rain really hard! Of course I got wet! She finally came out to find me - I was taking cover under the car but I decided to make a run for the door and see what was she was fixing for dinner, but of course as usual I didn't get any of her special dinner - just the same old cat food was in my bowl. She brought home a new bag of food today - something different I haven't had before. If she doesn't open it for me tonight maybe tomorrow while she is at work I can open it myself. I have been sharpening my claws on the tree a lot lately - I think I can do it!

Friday, August 22, 2008


I caught a mouse! A real live mouse, or at least it was a real live mouse. I had to protect my property. It was thinking about coming into my yard. I had to stand at the fence and watch it for a long time, but then I jumped through the fence into the pasture and I got him! My mom was watching me - I have a witness. Of course, she didn't take a picture - she thought it was too gross. But she was pretty proud of me. She even called my Aunt Marsha to brag about me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Where's the Beef?

These are a couple of my cow friends. They live in my backyard. There is too many to get together in one picture. One of them is about to have a baby cow -- I can't wait to get a new friend closer to my size!

Friday, August 15, 2008

No More Swimming!

My mom has spent every night for the last week watching the Olympics... Swimming -- I don't like water! I miss the Food Network! That's what she usually watches and sometimes she leaves it on for me when she leaves. Oh, and we haven't been watching Sex and The City before we go to bed at night! It's just not fair. I am missing out on my food and fashion updates!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's not my fault!

My mom mowed the grass last night and now all the little clippings are sticking to my feet and tail when I go outside. I get in trouble when I come in the house for dragging in the grass -- it's not my fault!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Finally, no more Polka Dots!

My mom finally got rid of the polka dots... they just weren't very "Beefy". Hope you like the new design. I am going for a more mature, sophisticated look for my page... something more Angus.



Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's Hot!

I think I am melting.... Do I look fuzzy to you?


Friday, August 1, 2008


My mom tricked me! I should have known something was up -- she came home from work early and was cleaning the house. I hate it when she vacuums the floor - that machine hurts my ears! She did this because my Aunt Marsha and Aunt Cathy came over to our house. She knows I don't like company - I had to hide under the bed for over an hour. Of course they kept begging me to come out and play... but I didn't.